Home of Lily

Home of Lily is a transit home in Tuen Mun sponsored by Media-Go and operated by Christian Concern for the Homeless Association since 2015. This temporary shelter has a total floor area of about 700 sq. ft., it is well-equipped with basic furniture, washing machine, open kitchen, washroom, bathroom, etc. It provides short-term accommodation for single ladies and their children with financial or housing difficulties and housing crises. Home of Lily assists individual users through personal counseling and referrals, and promotes mutual support by getting along with other service users. Home of Lily is expected to be built on the faith of Christian service, helping service users to rebuild their life values and rearrange their life plans.

Operating for more than two years, this transitional house served nearly 60 people. To ensure the service users can earn a living in the society, the association will transfer their cases to The Social Welfare Department, voluntary organizations and churches to provide further assistance, such as job seeking and long-term accommodation. Once the service users have been relocated, other needy people will move in as replacement. Home of Lily is currently making great effort to increase its exposure via district networks for outreaching more beneficiaries in the future.

responsiblities 01 Home of Lily

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